Demonstrators Clash with Police as French Protest Against COVID-19 Passes

Young journalists club

News ID: 52376
Publish Date: 21:55 - 24 July 2021
Saturday,24 July 2021 (YJC)_ Earlier this month, the French president announced a series of new restrictions, most notably an introduction of a special "health pass" required for visiting public places.

Demonstrators Clash with Police as French Protest Against COVID-19 PassesA large demonstration against COVID-19 passes that was held in Paris on Saturday, has spiraled into clashes between protesters and police, forcing anti-riot squads to deploy teargas.

The demonstrators were marching with French flags and placards reading "Freedom," a Sputnik correspondent reported from the French capital.

The rally was initiated by Florian Philippot, the founder of the Patriots party and a former National Rally member, who intends to run in the presidential election in 2022.

The protests have also hit Marseille, France's second largest city, national media reported, saying that the demonstrators were singing the national anthem and chanting "Freedom."

French President Emmanuel Macron announced earlier in July a series of new restrictions to contain the spread of COVID-19.

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