Violent clashes between Greek police and protesters against forced vaccination

Young journalists club

News ID: 52381
Publish Date: 9:48 - 25 July 2021
Sunday,25 July 2021 (YJC)_4,000 Greeks gathered in front of the parliament building to protest the forced coronary vaccination, which was turned violent by police.

Violent clashes between Greek police and protesters against forced vaccinationGreek police use force against Covid 19 virus to crack down on thousands of protesters

More than 4,000 Greeks gathered in front of the parliament building for the third time this month on Saturday evening, protesting against mandatory vaccinations for certain sections of society, including medical staff and nurses.

According to Reuters, the demonstrations escalated into violence with the intervention of Greek police, who used tear gas and water cannons.

A police official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said some of the protesters first started violent actions, including throwing incendiary bombs at security forces and parliament, prompting a police response.

Following the increase in the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Greece, the Greek government ordered compulsory vaccinations for medical staff and staff at various sanatoriums, and also asked teachers to be vaccinated before the start of the school year in September.

The protests and the opposition to compulsory vaccination in Greece come at a time when, according to statistics, more than 467,000 people in the country have been infected with the Covid 19 virus and nearly 13,000 people have died from it.

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