700,000 refugees likely to enter Pakistan from Afghanistan

Young journalists club

News ID: 52849
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 12:56 - 21 August 2021
Saturday, 21 August 2021 (YJC)_ With 700 refugees likely to arrive in Pakistan, Pakistan must make arrangements for the possible arrival of refugees from Afghanistan.

700,000 refugees likely to enter Pakistan from AfghanistanPakistan must make arrangements for the possible entry of refugees from Afghanistan.

According to some sources, the Afghan High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has identified locations for the construction of refugee camps near three points and border crossings in North Waziristan, near the Torkham border in the Khyber region and near the Ghulam Khan border.

If needed, camps will be set up near the Erando crossing in Chitral, where a total of 500,000 to 700,000 Afghan refugees can come to Pakistan.

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