Russia is expelling 500 people, including its own citizens, from Afghanistan

Young journalists club

News ID: 52937
Publish Date: 11:36 - 25 August 2021
Wednesday, 25 August 2021 (YJC)_ Russia's Defense Ministry says it has organized the departure of more than 500 people, including its own citizens and citizens of CSTO member states, from Afghanistan on four military transport planes.

Russia is expelling 500 people, including its own citizens, from AfghanistanRussia's Defense Ministry announced today (Wednesday) that the departure of more than 500 people from Afghanistan was organized by President Vladimir Putin.

According to Russia's Tass news agency, four military transport planes will evacuate more than 500 Russian citizens and citizens of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) and Ukraine. According to the ministry, four planes have formed a group and are awaiting further instructions in Ulyanovsk, Russia.

Each aircraft is equipped with the medical personnel and equipment needed to provide the necessary medical assistance in flight. In addition, the planes contain drinking water, blankets and individual rations.

Russia's ambassador to Afghanistan, Dmitry Zhernov, told Russia Today (Wednesday) that the embassy was working to repatriate a number of its diplomats to Russia.

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