Former Defense Minister: Defense Exports Doubled in the Past Year

Young journalists club

News ID: 53042
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 17:31 - 29 August 2021
Sunday, 29 August 2021 (YJC)_ Former Iranian Defense Minister announced that the country’s defense exports have doubled in the past year while emphasizing the popularity of the domestic drones among other countries.

Former Defense Minister: Defense Exports Doubled in the Past YearIn his farewell ceremony on Sunday in Tehran, Former Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami, announced that the country’s defense exports have doubled in the past year while emphasizing the popularity of the domestic drones among other countries.

“Today we have good ties in defense exports with over 42 countries,” he said while adding that “Our drones are welcomed by other countries. the country’s exports of defense products have doubled in the past Iranian year.”

Elsewhere in his remarks he elaborated on achievements gained by the defense ministry under his management and said “The country has witnessed good successes in the area of ground equipment and in the field of missile and air defense during recent years.”

General Amir Hatami also announced that “Good things have also occurred in the area of electronic war, submarines, and speed-boats, “and appreciated the support extended to the Resistance axis as it leads to more experience and higher capabilities in the field of defense.

Previously, during a meeting with General Amir Hatami, Iran’s new Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani announced that he plans to enhance the country’s combat power and increase exports of domestic defense products.

He thanked General Amir Hatami for measures taken over the past four years for materializing most objectives of Iran’s defense industry and said “The Ministry of Defense would Benefit from high capabilities of both public and private sectors.”

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