The Taliban leader is holding a meeting in Kandahar to form a new government

Young journalists club

News ID: 53054
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:21 - 30 August 2021
Monday, 30 August 2021 (YJC)_ The Taliban announced that Mollah HibatAllah Akhand Zadeh was in Kandahar and would convene a meeting to form the country's future after the end of the US military mission in Afghanistan.

The Taliban leader is holding a meeting in Kandahar to form a new governmentConsultations are under way on how to establish Afghanistan's future system, the name and structure of the system in Kabul and Kandahar, and the Taliban have said they will announce their position in the very near future.

Meanwhile, some sources said that Taliban leader Mollah HibatAllah Akhand Zadeh had arrived in Afghanistan a few days ago and was in Kandahar discussing the structure of the future with the group's leaders.

Taliban officials say Mollah HibatAllah Akhand Zadeh, the group's leader, is in Kandahar and will hold a major summit in the city after the end of the US military mission in Afghanistan.

According to media reports, the meeting will focus on how to establish a future system in Afghanistan.

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