Kremlin: US military assistance to Ukraine is a very dangerous move

Young journalists club

News ID: 53125
Publish Date: 13:50 - 02 September 2021
Thursday, 2 September 2021 (YJC)_ A spokesman for the Russian presidency warned that Washington's military aid to Kiev was a "very dangerous move", citing a meeting between US and Ukrainian presidents at the White House.

Kremlin: US military assistance to Ukraine is a very dangerous moveThe US president's promise to his Ukrainian counterpart to provide a $ 60 million security assistance package provoked a reaction from the Russian president's spokesman.

According to Sputnik, a spokesman for the Kremlin (Russian presidential palace) warned about the US military aid to Ukraine, calling it a very dangerous move.

Dmitry Peskov said:
We have considered US plans to provide military assistance to Ukraine. We think that (these plans) may be a reason for Ukraine's unpredictable actions, such as trying to resolve the conflict between the Ukrainians in the southeast (by force). This is very dangerous.

A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin also expressed concern that the United States did not mention the Minsk agreement during the Ukrainian president's visit.

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