Kremlin: Ukrainian President’s claims are “nonsense”

Young journalists club

News ID: 53209
Publish Date: 22:01 - 05 September 2021
Sunday, 5 September 2021 (YJC)_ Kremlin spokesman as “nonsense” Ukrainian President’s claims that the Nord Stream 2 poses a threat to Europe’s energy security.

Kremlin: Ukrainian President’s claims are “nonsense”Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed as “nonsense” President Zelensky’s claims that the Nord Stream 2 energy infrastructure poses a threat to Europe’s energy security.

“Zelensky says that Nord Stream 2 is a terrible threat to European security. This is nonsense. This project, on the contrary, contributes to ensuring Europe’s energy security,” Peskov said in a television interview on Sunday.

Peskov suggested that Zelensky’s claims were part of the broader Western project of turning Ukraine into an ‘anti-Russia’, and recalled that along with Kiev’s hostile position on Nord Stream 2, the country’s leaders have also expressed a desire to join NATO, with the US promising to accept Ukraine into the alliance if it meets certain conditions. “This is a direct threat to Russia. This is the potential future approach of NATO military infrastructure toward our borders,” the president’s spokesman stressed.

Peskov suggested that for the moment, Ukraine’s politics remains dominated by a “Russophobic” bent, and that “unfortunately, those forces which propose a more balanced approach, and who support discussing the most pressing issues with Russia are sitting under house arrest.”

During his visit to Washington last week for talks with President Biden, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that the two countries view the Russian-European gas pipeline project as a “threat to European energy security”, and that they will continue to jointly oppose it.

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