Iranian Police Forces Seized over 2 tons of illicit drugs in Tehran

Young journalists club

News ID: 53340
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:53 - 12 September 2021
Sunday, 12 September 2021 (YJC)_ Tehran Police Chief announced that police forces have seized over 2 tons of narcotics in Tehran.

Iranian Police Forces Seized over 2 tons of illicit drugs in TehranTehran Police Chief Brigadier General Hossein Rahimi announced that police forces have seized over 2 tons of narcotics in Tehran.

“During the operation, police forces have managed to seize 2,004 kg of narcotics and arrest members of four drug trafficking gangs and 80 smugglers,” General Rahimi said.

“Three firearms and 235 bullets have been also seized,” he added.

Iran is at the forefront of the fight against drug trafficking and thousands of Iranian forces have been so far martyred to protect the world from the danger of drugs. The country has been actively fighting drug trafficking over the past decades.

In addition to that, Iran has a 900-kilometer common border with Afghanistan and spent more than $700 million on sealing its borders and preventing the transit of narcotics destined for European, Arab, and Central Asian countries.

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