Faisal Mekdad: The Turkish-American occupation of Syria must end unconditionally

Young journalists club

News ID: 53629
Publish Date: 19:18 - 27 September 2021
Monday, 27 September 2021 (YJC)_ Speaking at the UN General Assembly, the Syrian foreign minister said that Turkey and the United States must end their occupation of Syrian territory and the plunder of its resources.

Faisal Mekdad: The Turkish-American occupation of Syria must end unconditionallySyrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad addressed the 76th session of the UN General Assembly and condemned Western and US sanctions against the Syrian people.

He stressed that these countries have accused some countries of developing the corona virus, and "worse, the continuation of oppressive economic sanctions against countries and nations that are not aligned with these countries."

The Syrian Foreign Minister continued:
Syria was one of the countries that suffered the most from the terrorist crimes that took place with the military, financial and media support of some countries; [Countries] that are famous for supporting terrorism.

He noted that the Syrian people not only defended themselves, their nation and civilization in the fight against terrorism, but also defended all of humanity.

The Syrian Foreign Minister stated:
No foreign aggression or pressure will stop us from clearing Syrian lands of Syrian filth, expanding sovereignty and restoring stability to the country.

Regarding Turkey's support for terrorists, he said:
The Turkish regime continues to support terrorism in Idlib, turning it into a repository of foreign terrorists. In addition to the war crimes committed in the occupied territories of Syria.

Mekdad also stressed that "any foreign presence on Syrian soil without the consent of the Syrian government is illegal and a gross violation of international law."

The Syrian Foreign Minister stated that the occupation of Syrian lands and the theft of the Syrian people's resources must end immediately and unconditionally.

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