Macron reiterated the need for Europe not to rely on the United States in the field of security and defense

Young journalists club

News ID: 53649
Publish Date: 13:13 - 28 September 2021
Tuesday, 28 September 2021 (YJC)_ The French president has said that the submarine crisis with Australia will not change Paris' strategy in the Indo-Pacific region and that Europe must rely on itself in terms of security and defense.

Macron reiterated the need for Europe not to rely on the United States in the field of security and defenseReacting to the crisis with Australia over the purchase of submarines, French President Emmanuel Macron stressed that this would not change Paris' strategy in the Indo-Pacific region.

According to AFP, Macron said at the signing ceremony of the contract for the purchase of three destroyers by Greece with the Prime Minister of the country "Kyriakos Mitsotakis":
Athens buys three destroyers from Paris as part of a strategy to deepen relations between the two countries in defense of its Mediterranean interests.

Macron went on to say:
America is pursuing its own interests, and we are pursuing our own interests. Europeans must learn from this and take responsibility for our own defense.

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