Dozens of police descend on Tyndall Air Force Base after shooter drill is mistaken for active shooter

Young journalists club

News ID: 53660
Publish Date: 23:07 - 28 September 2021
Tuesday, 28 September 2021 (YJC)_ Tyndall Air Force Base officials say there is not an active shooter on the base after reports of one were seen on social media Tuesday morning.

Dozens of police descend on Tyndall Air Force Base after shooter drill is mistaken for active shooterDozens of police descended on Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida Tuesday morning after an active shooter drill was mistaken for the real thing.

Patrol cars, firetrucks, and ambulances swarmed the military base, located in Panama City, shortly before 10:30am local time.

Tyndall Air Force Base Spokesman Scott Johnson said the situation was a mix-up after local law enforcement didn't realize that a practice drill was taking place.

There are no reports of any injuries. 

On social media, audio surfaced of a 911 call featuring a frantic dispatcher repeatedly stating 'This is not a test'.  

The base, which has a resident population of approximately 3,000, first opened in 1941. 

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