Fuel Shortages Remain in South East England

Young journalists club

News ID: 53746
Publish Date: 23:33 - 02 October 2021
Saturday,2 October 2021 (YJC)_ Gas stations in London and southeast England continue to suffer a lack of fuel.

Fuel Shortages Remain in South East EnglandGas stations in London and southeast England continue to suffer a lack of fuel although the situation has improved in northern England and Scotland, the Petrol Retailers Association (PRA) said on Saturday.

Britain will from Monday deploy military tanker drivers to deliver fuel after a chaotic week of shortages that has resulted in panic buying and some drivers hoarding petrol in water bottles.

The chairman of the PRA told Sky News his organisation's survey showed that only 16% of more than 1,000 sites checked on Saturday had no fuel, an improvement on the 27% reported to be dry on Friday, but local bottlenecks remained.

"It is much better in the north and Scotland, and London and the south east really remain the critical area going forward into next week," PRA Chairman Brian Madderson said.

The survey also showed that 68% of sites now had both petrol and diesel available to buy.

With an acute shortage of truck drivers straining supply chains to breaking point, the government said on Friday that 200 military tanker personnel will complete their training over the weekend and start deliveries on Monday.

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