Report: Russia's S-550 to Be More Efficient at Intercepting ICBMs Than THAAD & Aegis

Young journalists club

News ID: 54506
Publish Date: 23:48 - 13 November 2021
Saturday, 13 November 2021 (YJC)_ Two sources in the Russian military-industrial complex said that Russia’s S-550 will become the world's first mobile special operation missile capable of effectively destroying intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Report: Russia's S-550 to Be More Efficient at Intercepting ICBMs Than THAAD & AegisThe new air defence system is being developed on the basis of the advanced S-500 Prometey (Prometheus), designed to destroy enemy targets within a range of around 600 kilometres (370 miles).

Russia’s S-550 will become the world's first mobile special operation missile and airspace defence system capable of effectively destroying intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), two sources in the military-industrial complex told the Ria Novosti news agency.

One insider said that the new surface-to-air system is being developed as an upgraded version of the S-500 Prometey (Prometheus) anti-ballistic missile system.

“The S-550’s capabilities to intercept warheads of enemy ballistic missiles, mainly, intercontinental ones, as well as space attack weapons will be by an order greater than the capabilities of the S-400 and the S-500, as well as those of the US THAAD and Aegis air defences fitted with the 3M-3 Block IIB missiles”, the insider said.

This was confirmed by another source, who added that "the development of a new system is currently at an advanced stage”.

The remarks come after the Russian Defence Ministry said in a statement earlier this week that the new S-550 air defence system is being developed in the country.

The statement pointed out that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin last week made a special emphasis on the importance of developing advanced domestically-made missile defence systems, including the S-500 and the S-550, and delivering them to the Russian Armed Forces.

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