Meeting of the Islamic Jihad delegation and Hezbollah; Emphasis on preserving the achievements of the martyrs

Young journalists club

News ID: 54515
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 13:48 - 14 November 2021
Sunday, 14 November 2021 (YJC)_ A delegation from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement met with the head of the Sidon area in the Lebanese Hezbollah movement.

Meeting of the Islamic Jihad delegation and Hezbollah; Emphasis on preserving the achievements of the martyrsA delegation from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, headed by Shakib al-Aina, the movement's head of Islamic relations, met with Zayd Dahir, the head of the Sidon area of ​​the Hezbollah movement.

The meeting took place at Hezbollah headquarters in Sidon and was attended by Mohammad Rashid, head of social relations, Jihad Mohammed, head of UNRWA affairs in Lebanon, and Ali al-Zaito, head of Ain al-Halwa's office in the Hezbollah movement.

According to Al-Manar, the Islamic Jihad delegation congratulated the leaders of Hezbollah and all the resistance groups whose best young people were martyred in defense of the dignity of the ummah and the occupied territories and in confronting the Zionist enemy.

Referring to the important role of the martyrs in the path of jihad and resistance to achieve victory and freedom against the enemies of the ummah, the participants emphasized that these martyrs paved the way for their Mujahideen brothers with their pure blood.

They also said that thanks to the pure blood of these martyrs, the ummah achieved its honor, dignity and greatness, while before that it was under the oppression of the occupying regime.

The participants in this meeting also stressed the need to preserve the achievements of these martyrs and continue their path to achieve their goals of victory or martyrdom, and renewed the covenant with the martyrs to continue the path of jihad and resistance.

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