Detailed statistics of children killed in the Saudi-American war against Yemen

Young journalists club

News ID: 54588
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 13:55 - 18 November 2021
Thursday, 18 November 2021 (YJC)_ A human rights organization has released statistics on the number of children killed or maimed as a result of attacks by the Saudi-American coalition.

Detailed statistics of children killed in the Saudi-American war against YemenThe Yemeni organization "Intesaf", which supports the rights of children and women, published a report on the catastrophic situation of Yemeni children as a result of the attacks of the Saudi coalition and the siege of Yemen.

According to Al-Masira, the organization announced:

Since the beginning of the Saudi-American coalition's invasion of Yemen in March 2015 until November 2021, more than 3,825 children have been martyred and 4,157 children injured.

The number of children disabled as a result of the aggression coalition attacks is 5,559.

Since the beginning of the coalition attacks, 71,000 children have been diagnosed with tumors (cancer) and this number is increasing every year by 9,000.

More than three million children are malnourished and more than 300 children die of malnutrition every day.

More than 3,000 children have congenital anomalies, and more than 3,000 children need open heart surgery outside Yemen.

Saudi Arabia and the United States have shut down Sanaa International Airport, barring more than 30,000 children with chronic illnesses from traveling abroad.

Two million children have dropped out of school, and half a million have dropped out altogether as a result of the Saudi-American war.

In conclusion, the Saudi-American Coalition and all human rights organizations, especially the United Nations, blamed the current events for Yemen, especially its children, and called for an immediate end to the aggression, the lifting of the siege and the reopening of Sanaa Airport, especially for Yemeni children.

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