Zionist regime: Iranians are harassing us from afar

Young journalists club

News ID: 54677
Publish Date: 12:52 - 23 November 2021
Tuesday, 23 November 2021 (YJC)_ In a speech in occupied Palestine, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett repeated the allegations against Iran, saying that "Iranians are harassing us from a distance."

Zionist regime: Iranians are harassing us from afarOn the eve of the Vienna talks, Naftali Bennett, the prime minister of the occupying regime in Jerusalem, once again took a stand against Iran's nuclear program and regional positions.

According to Israeli media reports, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett commented on Tuesday (December) on the December talks in Vienna between Iran and world powers.

Bennett said at the beginning of his speech:
The Iranians surrounded Israel with missiles while sitting safely in Tehran. They harass us from afar and hurt us.

The Prime Minister of the Zionist regime then immediately repeated the baseless claims of the officials of this regime on the issue of supporting terrorism against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, especially the Quds Force.

Following the allegations, the prime minister, the sole holder of nuclear weapons in the West Asian region, went to Iran's peaceful nuclear program and the December 28 talks in Vienna and repeated the regime's rhetoric.

Naftali Bennett claimed:
Even if there is an agreement between Iran and the superpowers, Israel is not part of it (the agreement) and is not committed to it. There may be a complex period involving disagreement with our allies. We will continue to maintain Israel's freedom of action. This will not be the first time. Even if there is a return to the agreement (JCPOA).

The Prime Minister of the Zionist regime continued:
The mistake will not come back after the 2015 nuclear deal. It affected us like a sleeping pill and Israel fell asleep. We will learn from this mistake. We will maintain our freedom of action.

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