Lebanese protesters took to the streets again to protest the deteriorating economy

Young journalists club

News ID: 54789
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:45 - 29 November 2021
Monday, 29 November 2021 (YJC)_ Dozens of Lebanese youths attacked a power plant and blocked two main roads in protest of the power outage and the livelihood crisis in the country.

Lebanese protesters took to the streets again to protest the deteriorating economyDozens of residents of the northern Lebanese city of Halba attacked the city's power plant to protest a long-term power outage.

The Turkish Anatolian News Agency quoted eyewitnesses as saying:
Dozens of young Lebanese attacked the main power plant in the city of Halabja, demanding electricity in their city to light and heat residents, especially in these cold days.

For months, most areas of Lebanon have been suffering from long-term power outages in homes and institutions due to the lack of fuel intended for the operation of power plants.

Meanwhile, dozens of other young Lebanese blocked the Tripoli-Akkar transportation route in the north of the country in protest of deteriorating living conditions.

In addition, another group of Lebanese protesters in the Bekaa area blocked the main road leading to the Syrian border for two hours.

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