Deadly plane crash in "California"; All 4 occupants died

Young journalists club

News ID: 54896
Publish Date: 11:18 - 06 December 2021
Monday, 6 December 2021 (YJC)_ A light four-passenger plane crashed in the US state of California, killing all on board.

Deadly plane crash in A four-passenger light aircraft crashed in California yesterday, killing all on board, the Toller County Sheriff's Office said.

The ABC 7 network reported that the identities of the victims of the accident have not been confirmed yet, and the Toller police department said that the cause of the crash of the light aircraft is still unknown and the investigation is ongoing.

According to the report, at around 18:30 local time (06:00 on Sunday morning, Iranian time), the deputy police officers of Toler made calls about the crash of a light aircraft in the area of ​​68th Street and 288th Street near Visalia Airport in Received Visalia of California.

A Bichcraft Bonanza single-engine plane crashed at the scene and all its occupants lost their lives when police officers arrived at the scene, ABC News reported.

The National Transportation Safety Board announced Sunday that an investigation is under way into the cause of the crash.

The American network "KFSN" also reported that the plane crashed just seconds after takeoff.

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