Iran 5th center of excellence in antiradar fighters; Ghaher a surprise in combat

Young journalists club

News ID: 55
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:45 - 16 February 2013
Manager of the Ghaher project has spoken in an interview about Iran's power in developing new generation of fighters.
رئيس پروژه قاهر
It was in the early days of the Islamic Revolution victory anniversary (Fajr) this year that Iran unveiled its most recent development in defense industry with Ghaher313 aircraft.

The aircraft introduced a new generation of fighters for which no predecessor can be found.

Hossein Parvaneh, CEO of Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial Company said in an interview with Fars News that giant steps were taken in the Azarakhsh and Saegheh projects toward the development of fighters. In these projects, he continued, the same platform was used and some aerodynamic features and other systems were so altered that the product would fit our needs. "But everything was different for Ghaher313," he said.

"The first feature of this project", Parvaneh continued, "is that the fighter enjoys a wholly new look with no precursor in the world. In designing this fighter we took over the previous generations."

"In the olden generations a large portion of the lift was provided by the wings, with the body doing little in this regard. But in the new generations much of the power is provided by the body," he stated.

Providing comments on the reflection of radar waves and the extent of camouflage, Parvaneh said there to raise the issue of wave absorption in the design of the aircraft as well as managing the gas emitted from the exhaust.

Parvaneh then addressed the weaponry installed on fighters and their reflection of radar waves and said that in the previous generations weaponry were installed under the wings of the fighter.

A development in the new generation of fighters he believed to be the readjustments in the placement of weapons on the fighter, where they are hidden, which itself necessitates a move away from the soft curvatures of the previous body designs to the modern, fragmental ones.

CEO of Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial Company said that with the unveiling of Ghaher, many experts were surprised who didn't expect such rapid progress in the country.
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