Hamas statement on Palestinian refugee camp incident in southern Lebanon

Young journalists club

News ID: 55011
Publish Date: 9:38 - 13 December 2021
Monday, 13 December 2021 (YJC)_ Hamas issued a statement declaring any sabotage plan to undermine security in southern Lebanon in the interests of the occupying Zionist regime.

Hamas statement on Palestinian refugee camp incident in southern LebanonThe Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) stressed that the crime on Sunday evening in shooting at the participants in the funeral of a Hamas member in the Palestinian refugee camp "Al-Burj Al-Shamali" in southern Lebanon is a full service to the Zionist regime, which is always trying to target the camp. Palestinians.

The Hamas statement referred to the martyrdom of three Hamas members in Sunday's incident:
The so-called Palestinian National Security Forces based in Lebanon are responsible for the incident. Hamas said that the crime targeted the entire Palestinian community in Lebanon, adding that the Palestinian Authority and its forces in Lebanon were responsible for the crime. The movement also stressed that the crime was committed with the aim of destroying the security of Lebanese society in the heart of sensitive areas in the south of the country.

Hamas called on the Fatah movement and other Palestinian groups to condemn the sabotage of the Palestinian National Security Forces and demanded that the killers be handed over to Lebanese security forces.

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