Head of the Atomic Energy Organization: The claim of 90% enrichment in Iran is false

Young journalists club

News ID: 55025
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 9:20 - 14 December 2021
Tuesday, 14 December 2021 (YJC)_ The head of the Atomic Energy Organization said: "Iran has not acted outside the framework and the existing accusations about 90% enrichment are false."

Head of the Atomic Energy Organization: The claim of 90% enrichment in Iran is falseEngineer Mohammad Eslami in an exclusive interview with IRIB regarding the marginalization for peaceful nuclear activities and the claim of 90% enrichment in Iran added:
This is a lie, and these are fabricated accusations that are attributed to our country, especially by the enemies and the Zionist current.

He continued:
Iran works in accordance with the rules of the IAEA, and the International Atomic Energy Agency oversees all our processes in accordance with the laws and regulations, and in no way have we acted and will not act outside the framework.

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