Saudi airstrikes on Al-Savadia in Yemen

Young journalists club

News ID: 55323
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 8:53 - 03 January 2022
Monday, 3 January 2022 (YJC)_ Saudi media have reported airstrikes by Saudi aggressor coalition fighters on a base in Al-Suwadiya, Yemen.

Saudi airstrikes on Al-Savadia in YemenSaudi media reported on Monday morning that airstrikes by coalition fighters had invaded the Yemeni city of Al-Suwadiyah.

Al-Hadath news website claimed that the Saudi coalition, in response to the immediate threats against Saudi Arabia, had launched attacks on the Yemeni forces base in the al-Savadiyah area.

Al-Hadath further claimed that the airstrikes targeted an ammunition depot, supply and strategic weapons depot of Ansarullah forces.

In the past, Saudi fighters have repeatedly targeted weddings, mourning and residential houses, claiming to attack Yemeni forces, and in some cases have even mistakenly attacked their own forces!

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