The President of the European Parliament has died of pneumonia

Young journalists club

News ID: 55434
Publish Date: 10:20 - 11 January 2022
Tuesday, 11 January 2022 (YJC)_ The Italian President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, has died of pneumonia at the age of 65 in a hospital in the Italian city of Aviano.

The President of the European Parliament has died of pneumoniaThe speaker of the European Parliament announced the death of "David Sassoli", the speaker of this parliament, due to pneumonia and disorders of the immune system.

The President of the European Parliament, who had been hospitalized in an Italian hospital since December 10, 2021, died on Monday (yesterday), media sources reported.

The office of European Parliament President David Sassoli announced the death of the Italian politician on Tuesday morning, according to Sputnik news agency.

According to a spokesman for the office of the President of the European Parliament, Sassoli died of pneumonia and a disorder of the immune system at Aviana City Hospital.

David Sassoli, 65, has chaired the European Parliament, the EU's legislative branch, since 2019.

This is the first time in the history of the European Parliament that the speaker of the European Parliament has died in office, media sources reported.

According to the rules of procedure of the European Parliament, the first Vice-President of the European Parliament will assume the presidency of the European Parliament until a new President is elected.

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