NBC claimed; Russia has offered Iran an interim nuclear deal

Young journalists club

News ID: 55562
Publish Date: 8:47 - 22 January 2022
Saturday, 22 January 2022 (YJC)_ An American network has claimed that Russia has offered Iran an interim nuclear deal to help revive the JCPOA.

NBC claimed; Russia has offered Iran an interim nuclear dealNBC News quoted two senior US officials, including a congressman and a former US official, and four sources familiar with the Vienna talks on lifting US unilateral sanctions against Iran, as saying that Russia in recent weeks As part of efforts to revive the JCPOA, it has discussed a possible interim nuclear deal with Iran, including a limited lifting of sanctions in exchange for re-imposing some restrictions on Iran's nuclear activities.

The US network reported that unnamed informed sources said that the United States was aware of Russia's offer to Iran.

According to the report, despite the fact that the mentioned officials and people aware of the discussions said that Russia's talks with Iran on the interim nuclear agreement were conducted with the knowledge of the United States, senior Biden government officials expressed ignorance of Russia's offer to Iran on the interim nuclear agreement.

The report comes as Iran's permanent representative to the United Nations announced yesterday (Friday) that Tehran does not want an interim agreement.

According to NBC News, a senior Biden government official has said that the draft interim nuclear deal is not being seriously discussed.

He said in this regard:
Although we can not talk about any possible discussions between Russia and Iran, we are confident at this stage that such temporary arrangements will not be seriously discussed.

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