Moscow: Negotiations with North Korea are impossible as long as the United States seeks regime change

Young journalists club

News ID: 55644
Publish Date: 17:05 - 28 January 2022
Friday, 28 January 2022 (YJC)_ Russia's deputy foreign minister has warned that there will be no dialogue on the Korean Peninsula if the United States continues its policy of regime change toward North Korea.

Moscow: Negotiations with North Korea are impossible as long as the United States seeks regime changeRussian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgolf said that if the United States and its allies continue to seek regime change in North Korea, there will be no dialogue on the issue of the Korean Peninsula.

He added:
If the United States continues its oppressive policy, the Korean Peninsula may once again become the starting point for dangerous developments.

The Russian diplomat continued his interview today (Friday) with the "Tass" news agency:
In short, if the United States reverts to the Obama-era policy of "strategic patience" based on the idea that sanctions pressure will force North Korea to surrender, it will only exacerbate tensions and create a new round of arms race. .

He added:
We strongly warn the United States that the time for hollow declarations is over; Certain solutions are needed, without them, the Korean Peninsula may once again become the starting point for very dangerous developments.

According to Morgolf, Moscow is ready to discuss the issue on the basis of Russian-Chinese initiatives to resolve the Korean Peninsula issue.

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