Tel Aviv demolished if committed mistake

Young journalists club

News ID: 563
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 23:07 - 21 March 2013
Tehran, YJC. In his first public speech in the new year, the Supreme Leader said that if Israel is to do what he threatens to do, Tel Aviv and Haifa will be razed to the ground.
In his speeches he made before thousands of audiences in the holy shrine of Imam Reza, the Supreme Leader defined the country’s main domestic and international policies.

The Supreme Leader pointed to recent threats by Israel regarding military attacks on Iran and stated "If Israel is to make a mistake, the Islamic republic of Iran will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground.”

He also provided comments on US claiming the "global community” to be in opposition to Iran and said "US officials always use the incorrect phrase ‘international community’ for the few enemies of the Iranian nation, whereas the international community never intends enmity with the Iranian and the Islamic Iran.”

The Supreme Leader also addressed the source of conspiracy in the collective mind of the Iranian and said "The center for conspiracy against the Iranian nation is the US. Today after 34 years, whenever the name of US is mentioned the nation is instantly reminded of the US.”

On the prospects for mutual talks with the US, the Supreme Leader said "It has been a while that the US officials say in different ways that they are willing to hold separate negotiations with Iran on the nuclear issue, but based on previous experiences I am not optimistic about such negotiations.”

He also said that such talks are not intended to reach at some solution, but to exert pressure on Iran, adding "However, I have no disagreement with the talks.”

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