Russia to the West: Admit your mistakes and meet Iran's demands

Young journalists club

News ID: 56307
Publish Date: 9:44 - 19 March 2022
Saturday, 19 March 2022 (YJC)_ The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman called on the Western parties present at the talks on lifting the sanctions in Vienna to admit their mistakes and meet Iran's demands.

Russia to the West: Admit your mistakes and meet Iran's demandsRussian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called on the Western side in the sanctions talks in Vienna to admit their mistakes instead of blaming Russia.

The official account of the Russian mission to the United Nations quoted Zakharova as saying:
Doubt about Russia's commitment to the JCPOA is a card played by those who can not admit their mistakes. We suggest that our Western partners focus their energy on addressing Iran's legitimate demands for a draft agreement to revive the agreement.

russia ، west ، iran ، jcpoa
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