The foreign ministers of the Arab countries are going to Moscow

Young journalists club

News ID: 56414
Publish Date: 11:41 - 31 March 2022
Thursday, 31 March 2022 (YJC)_ Russia's ambassador to Algeria announced the visit of a delegation of Arab foreign ministers to Moscow to discuss the Ukraine crisis.

The foreign ministers of the Arab countries are going to MoscowRussia's ambassador to Algeria, Igor Beliyev, has announced that a delegation of Arab foreign ministers will visit Moscow in the near future.

According to Russia Today, the Arab foreign ministers' visit to Moscow is part of a review of the results of the Cairo summit on the Ukraine crisis; A recent ministerial meeting was held in the Egyptian capital.

A Russian diplomat said:
"The Arab delegation will travel to Moscow accompanied by Algerian Foreign Minister Ramatan Lamara and will meet with Russian officials to explain the results of the meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo."

Algeria World Network quotes Russia's ambassador to Algeria as saying:
These Arab diplomatic activities are aimed at finding a political solution to the Ukraine crisis; Moscow will also have no problem resolving the crisis with political assistance.

The recent meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Egypt ended with an emphasis on the need to form a committee at the ministerial level; A committee responsible for liaising and coordinating with the parties involved in the Ukraine crisis. This committee is responsible for monitoring and consulting the Arab countries on the effects and consequences of this crisis.

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