Hezbollah responds to terrorist attack on Egyptian army

Young journalists club

News ID: 56861
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:10 - 08 May 2022
Sunday, 8 May 2022 (YJC)_ Hezbollah condemned the terrorist attack in Sinai while expressing sympathy with the Egyptian army.

Hezbollah responds to terrorist attack on Egyptian armyHezbollah in Lebanon condemned the terrorist attack on the Egyptian army in the Sinai Desert and expressed its sympathy with the country.

According to Al-Ahd, the statement said the aim of the terrorist groups was to strike at the security and stability of Egypt, to divert attention from Zionist terrorism in Palestine, and to re-enter the region into the cycle of sedition and internal strife.

Hezbollah reiterated its previous positions on the need to confront destructive takfiri thinking and Muslim scholars, as well as to take precautionary measures in the Islamic world to deal with this phenomenon scientifically and politically.

Hezbollah finally offered its condolences to the Egyptian army and the families of those killed, and wished the wounded a speedy recovery.

The Egyptian army announced on Saturday (yesterday) that ten of its soldiers and officers were killed in an armed attack on a water treatment plant east of the Suez Canal.

According to a statement from the Egyptian army, five other soldiers were wounded in the chase during the terrorist attack.

Although numerous airstrikes by the Egyptian army in recent years have reduced the power of the "Sinai Governorate" group, terrorist attacks against Egyptian army forces continue.

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