Saudi oil dollars funding ISIL: Iranian official

Young journalists club

News ID: 5771
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 17:29 - 17 December 2014
Tehran, YJC. A top Iranian military commander says through its petrodollars, Saudi Arabia has financed the rise of terrorist militant groups.

"Saudi Arabia is the founder of Wahhabi terrorist militants such as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL),” said Armed Forces Chief of Staff Hassan Firouzabadi on Wednesday.

The country has spent windfall petrodollars on rearing these groups, he asserted.

Firouzabadi further stated that after the ISIL threat was exposed to the international community, Washington and ISIL sponsors in a fake move forged an alliance against the militant group, while what they do in fact is to provide arms and other equipment for the terrorist group.

"By increasing its oil production, Saudi Arabia has assured the US and the West, which represent the world’s capitalists, that they would not suffer any fuel shortage. Additionally, it has left a financial burden on the regional anti-terrorist countries which fight ISIL, through decreasing oil prices and subsequent drop in their revenues,” he noted.

Firouzabadi stated taht regional countries have suffered $500 billion in losses while Western states which had faced financial crises have been gifted $300 billion following the Saudi regime’s actions.

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