Tehran, YJC. After breaking into the city, peshmarga are fighting the remaining Isil forces and moving toward Tal Afar to retake the second most strategic area after Mosul.
Peshmarga forces had started advancement toward Sinjar days
earlier and had managed to free 30 villages in the area.
After gaining control over Zomar, they had started moving
toward Sinjar and Rabia.
The first axis had started moving from north to south from
The village used to be a very hard obstacle against
peshmarga advancement.
The second axis had started moving from east to west, where
peshmarga moved from Dahuk to the Zomar area and then Sinjar.
The operations began on Wednesday and Isil was forced back,
so much that they had been forced to go as back as Tal Afar and Mosul.
One of the main gains of the operation was retaking the
strategic road connecting Mosul to Zomar to Rabia and then heading to the
Syrian border where it reached Raqqa.
The peshmarga control over Sinjar cut Isil’s contact with
fellows in Syria and as a result, prevented the flow of aids they received from