IHC expresses readiness to launch air taxi in Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 5806
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:09 - 22 December 2014
Tehran, YJC. CEO of the Iranian Helicopter Company (IHC) has in a statement announced the company’s readiness to launch air taxi missions in various parts of the country.

Seyed Mahmoud Azin speaking on Sunday said that with the coordination of institutions and related organizations, some 30 helicopters are to be placed in various parts of the country to facilitate air travel and bring passengers to their destination in one-hour flights.

He emphasized that these helicopters could be made use of in all search and rescue fields and added "they can also be used in exploration and exploitation projects of oil and mineral resources, tourism, rescue of the injured, as well as geophysical operations, filming and photography tours.”

Azin further provided comments on the capacities of Iran’s fleet of helicopters and said, "IHC has a huge capacity for numerous helicopter operations. It can easily cover any offshore platforms, mining, industrial, oil and construction projects across the country.”

Azin also pointed to the company’s capability in repair and maintenance of helicopters and said, "these services are provided for the IHC helicopter fleet at a base in Shiraz. Besides its own helicopters, the company will also provide overhaul for other companies’ fleets.”

Iranian Helicopter Company (IHC)will provide aerial services to applicants in cooperation with the I.R.I.Civil Aviation Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It owns over 30 helicoptersof different classes including Lama,AlouetteIII, Bell 212 and 205, and EcureuilB2 and B3 Puma.

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