Saveh center of excellence in olive oil production

Young journalists club

News ID: 64
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:18 - 17 February 2013
Expert and Director of Saveh Agricultural Jihad Horticulture and Greenhouses has said that more than 2 million pomegranate and olive saplings are annually produced in the county and exported to other provinces.
Alireza Arbab said in an interview with ISNA "Intending to motivate orchardists for enhancement of pomegranate production in the province, the Agricultural Jihad management plans to duplicate the number of nurseries in the county from two to four.”

"Currently there are two nurseries in Saveh, producing 1 million and 500 thousand saplings annually, part of which is exported to other provinces including Golestan and Mazandaran which have welcomed Saveh pomegranate,” he said.
He said the price of each sapling produced in the county to be between 15000 to 20000 Rls [around 50-75 cents].

Arbab also provided comments on the operation of olive nurseries and said "Six nurseries in Saveh produce 500 thousand saplings annually to be exported to Yazd, Isfahan, Kerman, Qom, Kermanshah, etc.”

"Due to the lack of oil extraction centers and lack of a place to procure the product, the orchardists have lost tendency to expand olive orchards in the region,” said he, stating that the county is able to produce 1 million saplings annually.

He stated that measures are taken for launching a center for purchasing olive as well as oil extraction and that the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad has made plans for the expansion of olive orchards in the county so that with the operation of the oil extraction shop, Saveh will become a center of excellence in olive oil production.
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