Hezbollah accuses US, Israel of trying to drag Lebanon into crisis

Young journalists club

News ID: 646
Publish Date: 12:10 - 02 April 2013
TEHRAN, YJC.-- Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah has slammed the United States and the Israeli regime over interfering in Lebanon’s internal affairs in an effort to drag the country into crisis.
Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, the head of Hezbollah's executive council, said the political strife looming over the country "is a US scheme together with an Israeli project that is the basis for the discord moving from one region to another,” Lebanon’s Daily Star newspaper reported on Monday.

"Our enemies and their tools are attacking us every day and every hour so that we abandon our resistance ... while our answer was and still is that we won’t be dragged into strife and that the weapons of the resistance will remain with us,” he said.

Safieddine made the comments after Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati resigned on March 22 following a deadlock in his cabinet over preparations for forthcoming legislative elections in June.

The Lebanese premier quit his post over ministerial disagreements on the formation of an electoral watchdog and the extension of the office term of police chief Major General Ashraf Rifi.

Safieddine added that Washington intends to define political agendas in Lebanon, calling for consensus and elections to be held by the Lebanese people themselves.

"These statements are meaningless and confirm that the US practices a policy of lies and hypocrisy with the purpose of dragging the country into crises and problems,” he added.

The Hezbollah official further said, "This is the destructive American project against Syria and the entire region - which aims to instill fighting and pushes with all its might to keep the bloodshed and destruction.”

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