Tehran, YJC. Alaeddin Boroujerdi has said that today is a decisive day for Iran and demanded that the West give clear answer to the Iranian proposal.

Head of the Committee for National Security and Foreing
Policy of the Majlis said in an interview with Tasnim regarding Almaty II
negotiations "This round of talks will be a touchstone by which to examine US
truthfulness, since they have repeatedly asked the Islamic Republic of Iran to
set for bilateral negotiations, claiming honesty in talks and elimination of
problems, which they must show in action.”
He added "The
second Almaty talks hold no importance to the Islamic Republic because Almaty
II makes the ninth round of nuclear talks and far we have not waited for the
results of negotiations and have advanced our programs based on our legal and
internationally defined rules in the NPT and the Agency code.”
Head of the Committee for National Security and Foreing
Policy of the Majlis denied any effects from the sanctions on the country and
said "The US and its Western allies are the losers in this game for having lost
lots of economic opportunities by imposing sanctions on Iran, sanctions which
have started to show their effects in a considerable lot of Westerm countries.”