Iranian researchers develop tool treating wastewater with salt

Young journalists club

News ID: 7231
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:11 - 13 January 2017
Iranian researchers at Amir-Kabir Poly Technique University have devised a tool which removes color and bleach from water in quite safe conditions, removing bacterial infections from water.
Iranian researchers develop tool treating wastewater using saltTaghi Ebadi, the Lead Author of the study and a faculty member of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Amir-Kabir Poly Technique University said the idea of devise has been inspired from its foreign model.

The tool is capable of disinfecting drinking water, pools and other waters.

The device makes a solution from salt used for disinfection, he said, adding the system can replace chlorine capsules or bleach in wastewater treatment plants.

He said that chlorine capsules now available in wastewater treatment plants are acting like a chemical bomb and are expected to explode any second, but using the solution, it is quite safe to disinfect water.

The device has been indigenized and mass-produced, he said, 100-150 units of the system have been installed across Iran.

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