Most complicated surgeries in Iran with a tenth of global price

Young journalists club

News ID: 7618
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:46 - 08 February 2017
The head of Tehran University of Medical Sciences says the most complicated surgical operations are done in Iran with a tenth of the price compared to the world.
Most complicated surgeries in Iran with a tenth of global priceSaying that  no medical operation is  in the world but that could be done in Iran, the head of Tehran University of Medical Sciences Ali Jafarian stated that Iran holds the first place in such advanced areas as stem-cells and organ transplants.
 "the occasions in which patients should be sent abroad for complicated surgeries has almost reached to zero,” Jafarian said, pointing out that today Iranian patients have no need to go abroad for remedy.
He said that most of the surgical operations on eyes, heart as well as other organ transplants are done in Iran with a tenth of the price of the same operations in the world developed countries.
 Jafarin added that annually 4000 heart operations are done in Tehran Heart Center, noting that Iranian surgeons are able to do the most complicated heart operation in the world.
The head of Tehran University of Medical Sciences noted that nearly 1000 organs and stem-cells transplants annually are done in the university. He added that drug treatments of a large number of advanced surgical operations and transplants are done in Iran like other developed countries.

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