Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reiterated that dismantling nuclear weapons across the world needs unity.

"Peace in the region and world is closely intertwined with unity of nations, dialogue, rejecting violence and extremism,” he said in a meeting with foreign ambassadors here in Tehran on Thursday.
Rouhani also continued that annihilation of weapons of mass destruction across the world needs unity and solidarity.
"Iran is of intact and new economic potential and we are ready for cooperation and consultation with other countries in line with joint interests,” he added.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran has shown that it was not, is not and will not be after intervention in internal matters of other countries. Our military power is merely for defense purposes. The Islamic Republic of Iran has never launched aggression against any country. Our weapons are merely for defending our country,” he added.
Iranophobia is completely ‘unfounded and baseless’ and the history proved that the illusion has been wrong, he said.