Zarif urges facilitation of Iran-India banking ties

Young journalists club

News ID: 9685
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:03 - 17 May 2017
TEHRAN, May 17, YJC - Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif held talks with Indian Deputy Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar Tue. in Tehran to confer on the expansion of bilateral relations.
Zarif urges facilitation of Iran-India banking ties

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - During the meeting, Mohammad Javad Zarif pointed to the various common grounds and historical experiences for cooperation between the two countries in trade and energy, adding "it is imperative to make efforts for removing the remaining obstacles to the development of banking relations between Tehran and New Delhi.”

He also stressed the need for providing necessary facilities for the Iranian students studying in India.

The Indian diplomat, for his part, deemed the prospect of future relations with the Islamic Republic highly positive, adding his meetings with Iranian officials, particularly the Oil Minister for cooperation on energy, have been very constructive.

Jaishankar further called for closer cooperation between the two countries in the fields of energy, transit, and North-South corridor.

Source: MNA
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