TEHRAN, November 18 -two known atrisits will join together in a concert to raise funds for the victims of the devastating earthquake that hit their homeland Kermanshah in western Iran on Sunday.
TEHRAN, November 18 - A Shia cleric who was helping the earthquake struck people of Sar-e-Pole Zahab stressed brotherhood between Shiite and Sunni Muslims: We wil give our lives for our devastated Sunni brothers.
TEHRAN, November 16 - Overjoyed by people’s unity to rush to help, earthquake survivors in Javanroud, Kermanshah Province, greet incoming relief convoys – all carrying donations – with cheers and placards reading “Thank You.”
TEHRAN, November 16 - The US Treasury Department blocked online donations made by Iranian expatriates to help the survivors of a powerful earthquake which caused extensive damage and loss of life in western Iran.
TEHRAN, November 14 - Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has urged Iranian officials to continue their practical and serious efforts to help alleviate the suffering of those affected by a strong earthquake in the west of the country.
TEHRAN, November 14 - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani visited the earthquake -affected areas of Kermanshah Province, western Iran, vowing that the government would make all necessary efforts for rescue operations and rebuilding the affected areas.
TEHRAN, November 13 - A powerful earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale hit the border region between Iran and Iraq on Sunday night. As of Monday morning, at least 450 people were confirmed dead, almost all of them in Iran.
TEHRAN, November 13 - Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said his forces are working in close cooperation with the Army to help victims of a massive earthquake in western Iran that has killed nearly 400 people.
TEHRAN, November 13 - A powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake has hit the border region between Iran and Iraq, killing more than 450 people, almost all of them in Iran.
TEHRAN, November 13 - UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Iran Gary Lewis said the UN is ready to help Iran after the deadly earthquake which has claimed lives of 341 people so far.
TEHRAN, November 13 - German Ambassador to Iran Michael Klor-Berchtold said that his country is ready to send humanitarian aid to Iran following the recent strong earthquake in western Iran.
TEHRAN, November 13 - Directors of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of Iran announced that the Khuzestan, West Azerbaijan, Hamedan and Lorestan historic monuments remain unharmed from last night’s earthquake .
TEHRAN, November 13 - Managing Director of Iran's National Gas Company announced that the refinery’s activities were put to a halt following the recent earthquake on the Iran-Iraq border.
TEHRAN, October 6 -An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale has been recorded off the east coast of Japan, Reuters reports, citing the United States Geological Survey (USGS).