Tags - isil

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Tags - isil
Tehran, YJC. Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam has announced that Beirut will mull joining the so-called U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) following the coalition’s meeting in Brussels.
News ID: 5660    Publish Date : 2014/12/04

Tehran, YJC. IRGC official says Quds Corps commander’s final mission is to free the occupied land.
News ID: 5659    Publish Date : 2014/12/04

Saudi Arabia is playing politics with oil, forcing Opec to maintain its current production levels at 30m barrels per day, to force down the price.
News ID: 5649    Publish Date : 2014/12/03

Iranian fighter jets have bombed Islamic State (IS) jihadists in eastern Iraq in recent days, but the strikes were not coordinated with US forces, the Pentagon says.
News ID: 5648    Publish Date : 2014/12/03

TEHRAN, YJC. The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants claim that they built a "dirty bomb" from 40 kilograms of uranium.
News ID: 5647    Publish Date : 2014/12/02

The Lebanese army detained a wife and a son of ISIL leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi as they crossed from Syria in recent days, officials said on Tuesday.
News ID: 5641    Publish Date : 2014/12/02

TEHRAN, YJC. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi praised Iran for standing by his country in very critical conditions, when other countries were hesitant to help the Arab nation in the face of threats posed by terrorists.
News ID: 5632    Publish Date : 2014/12/01

Tehran, YJC. Iranian Ambassador to Syria Mohammad Reza Rauf Sheibani in interview with ISNA said the prolongation of the Syrian crisis would only benefit Israel.
News ID: 5614    Publish Date : 2014/11/29

Tehran, YJC. Iran's Supreme Leader ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said that Western powers’ efforts to exhaust Iran on its nuclear program will not succeed.
News ID: 5588    Publish Date : 2014/11/25

Tehran, YJC. Top IRGC official says the US backs ISIL terrorist group with intelligence.
News ID: 5553    Publish Date : 2014/11/20

Tehran, YJC. Iranian top military figure says the ISIL is managed by the US.
News ID: 5518    Publish Date : 2014/11/17

Shia fighters joining forces with the Iraqi army have managed to seize back control of one of the country’s largest dams from the Takfiri terrorist ISIL group.
News ID: 5504    Publish Date : 2014/11/16

NEW YORK // The glaring flaw in the US strategy in Syria — how to attack ISIL extremists in Syria without empowering the Assad regime — has become so clear that even US military planners are publicly voicing concerns.
News ID: 5416    Publish Date : 2014/11/02

The Obama administration and Iran, engaged in direct nuclear negotiations and facing a common threat from Islamic State militants, have moved into an effective state of détente over the past year, according to senior U.S. and Arab officials.
News ID: 5405    Publish Date : 2014/10/30

Tehran, YJC. -- A former Iranian ambassador cautioned Saudi Arabian leaders against the ramifications of executing top Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, saying a wrong decision will lead the ruling family to an imminent collapse.
News ID: 5390    Publish Date : 2014/10/28

Tehran, YJC. Former Iranian ambassador to France and diplomatic advisor to the Khatami administration Mohammad Sadegh Kharazi says Iran is a highly important country in US politics.
News ID: 5386    Publish Date : 2014/10/27

Tehran, YJC. Head of Iran's Expediency Discernment Council Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani underscored the need for unity among Islamic countries.
News ID: 5350    Publish Date : 2014/10/23

Tehran, yjc. Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani assured Iraq on Wednesday that Tehran will keep assisting Baghdad in its fight against ISIL.
News ID: 5349    Publish Date : 2014/10/22

Tehran, YJC. -- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei referred to the security of Iraq as Iran’s security, reaffirming Tehran's full support for the new Iraqi government.
News ID: 5338    Publish Date : 2014/10/22

Tehran, YJC. Kuwaiti political analyst Jalil Ibrahim al-Tabbakh says some Arab countries cooperate with Israel to keep the region problematic.
News ID: 5332    Publish Date : 2014/10/21