Iran urges Arab League chief to stop divisive stances

Young journalists club

News ID: 31984
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 22:40 - 25 November 2018
TEHRAN, November 25_Iran urges Arab League's Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit to stop making "divisive" remarks, reiterating the Islamic Republic's principled stance on maintaining "balanced" relations with most of regional and neighboring countries.

Iran urges Arab League chief to stop divisive stancesTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) _"It is better that you refrain from making any divisive remarks under the influence of a few regional countries," Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Sunday in a statement addressing the Arab League's chief.

"You had better remember that you are the secretary general of the Arab League and not the promoter of the policies of certain countries whose behavior is incompatible with the interests and fate of Arab and Muslim countries in this sensitive region of the world," he added.

Speaking at the Mediterranean Dialogues Conference (MED) in the Italian capital, Rome, on Thursday, Gheit said Iran should think deeply on changing its attitude towards many issues, including its relations with Arab countries.

Qassemi further said the Islamic Republic has balanced and wise relations with most of the regional and neighboring countries based on cooperation, dialogue, common interests, mutual respect and non-interference in each others' internal affairs, adding, "This has been and will be a long-term and principled policy."

The Iranian spokesperson emphasized that Tehran has always stood by regional countries and maintained constructive interaction with them whenever necessity and requested.

He said Gheit’s real and main addressee should be those regional states, which spend billions of dollars annually to "buy security from extra-regional countries."

However, these countries would receive nothing but "insult and increasing concern over their future," Qassemi said.

Source: Press TV

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