The representative of Iran: International community must unite against US unilateralism

Young journalists club

News ID: 48696
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 9:42 - 17 October 2020
Saturday, 17 October 2020 (YJC)_ Mohammad Zareian acknowledged the destructive effects of US’ unilateral sanctions the need for full unity.

The representative of Iran: International community must unite against US unilateralismThe representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, Mohammad Zareian, pointed the US disregard for the UN position during the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus, called on the international community to unite against the Washington's unilateralism.

Addressing a meeting of the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly on Friday, said the maximum pressure on the Iranian people during the outbreak utterly violates the right to life and the right to health “especially for the most vulnerable sections of the population, including women, children, the elderly and the sick”

Elsewhere in his remarks he said “the extraterritorial effects of unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States against numerous countries affect their sovereignty, the legitimate interests of institutions or persons under their authority, freedom of trade and navigation, and has a destructive effect on the realization of the right to development.”

However, The United States is worsening its disregard by imposing unilateral and illegal sanctions on countries most affected by the Coronavirus.

US’ unilateral sanctions, which include basic data-x-items and medicine, have caused many problems for the people of the countries, especially coronavirus patients.

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