Jewish Iranian MP urges all monotheists to follow Ayatollah Khamenei in countering Israeli regime

Young journalists club

News ID: 51730
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:14 - 07 May 2021
Friday, 07 May 2021_The representative of the Jewish community at the Iranian Parliament has called on all monotheists in the world to follow in Ayatollah Khamenei’s footsteps, as the spiritual father of the world’s monotheists, in confronting the Zionist regime of Israel.

Jewish Iranian MP urges all monotheists to follow Ayatollah Khamenei in countering Israeli regime“The [International] Quds day is not just for the Palestinian people but for all the oppressed people in the world,” Fars news agency on Friday quoted Siamak Moreh Sedgh as saying.

“On this day, all the oppressed people of the world express their abhorrence of the global arrogance (hegemonic powers) and the Zionist regime, which represents them in the region,” Moreh Sedgh remarked.

He said Israel is seeking to impose the United States’ will on the oppressed people of the region.

Friday marks the International Quds Day. In recent days, top officials and prominent figures in Iran and elsewhere have been renewing their pledge to support the Palestinian cause.

Quds Day was initiated by the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran Imam Khomeini soon after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979. This year’s events are scheduled to be held online in Iran and some other countries due to the spread of the coronavirus.

Moreh Sedgh said although holding demonstrations is not possible due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Axis of Resistance and freedom-seekers of the world should keep the day alive through social media networks and media outlets.

“All the freedom-seekers of the world must take the Iranian nation as their role model for resisting [global] arrogance,” the Jewish lawmaker said. “And do not get tired of the difficulties in this path and endure the hardships to stand up to arrogance and Zionism in the same way the Iranian nation has tolerated all the hardships.”

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