US behind Baku conference: Iranian ambassador

Young journalists club

News ID: 679
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 9:01 - 06 April 2013
Tehran, YJC. The Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan believes that the US makes attempts to disrupt relations between Iran and neighboring countries.

Mohsen Pakaeen said in interview with Mehr News Agency that "Accordingly, separatist groups in the Republic of Azerbaijan collaborate with anti-Islamic Revolution individuals to hinder Tehran-Baku relationships. The recent Pan-Azeri meeting in Baku was held along the same lines.”

The Iranian Ambassador to Baku asserted that the separatist groups in Azerbaijan largely relate to the US. He said that the groups operate within the Rohrabacher framework. Dana Rohrabacher is the U.S. Representative for California's 48th congressional district. Rohrabacher is a radical Neocon and a Zionist lobbyist who joined the separatist Pan-Azerists, practically taking the lead in the movement with US sponsorship.

Pakaeen stated "We did not expect the Azeri govt. to sanction the meeting whose intentions were clear. It was natural for the Iranian authorities to react to the meeting."

"In Baku we condemned the act right away and the next day the Islamic Republic of Iran’s remonstration was delivered by the Deputy Foreign Minister to the Azeri Ambassador. On the same day also a protest letter was given by the Embassy to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan," Iran's Ambassador to the Republic of Azerbaijan further said.

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