Sanctions made us no problem

Young journalists club

News ID: 943
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:25 - 28 April 2013
Tehran, YJC. President of the Shooting Federation has said that sanctions are not the organization’s biggest problem.

In an interview with Fars news agency, Mehdi Hashemi provided comments on the problems regarding the provision of ammunition for sportsmen and said "Sanctions are not our big problem. The provision of reference currency and exchange currency are more important than cartridge. We have been under sanctions for 30 years, therefore we have no problem. In the international competitions ammunition is procured. If competitions are to be held in Iran the sportsmen will bring ammo. Our major problem is in the camps, which by the way can be solved and we can even export ammo to other countries.”

He said in answer to a question whether the shortage of ammunition will affect the country's chances of winning "It will cause problems but not big ones.”

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