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Tags - policy
TEHRAN, Nov 26_ The permanent US government will not allow a change in aggressive American interventionist foreign policy , particularly when it comes to Russia, former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul has said.
News ID: 44328    Publish Date : 2019/11/26

TEHRAN, Nov 12_A senior political expert based in the US city of Atlanta described Major turmoil in Iraq will give the US the justification for remaining there “to fight ISIS” regardless of what the Iraqi government says.
News ID: 44212    Publish Date : 2019/11/12

TEHRAN, oct 25_US President Donald Trump’s impeachment by Democrats is inevitable now because they want to stop him from getting the American forces out of the Middle East, a former American Senate foreign policy analyst says.
News ID: 44046    Publish Date : 2019/10/25

TEHRAN, oct 24_Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has blamed the US for its contempt for international law, saying the administration of Donald Trump is aiding and abetting Israel to promote its expansionist policy .
News ID: 44031    Publish Date : 2019/10/24

TEHRAN, August 21 - A member of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said the country’s policy of resistance, which is rooted in the 1979 Islamic Revolution, has led to the release of a supertanker in Gibraltar despite a US request to continue its detention.
News ID: 43280    Publish Date : 2019/08/21

TEHRAN, Jul 6 - Turkey has fired its central bank governor and replaced him with the bank's deputy governor amid high inflation and an economic slump.
News ID: 41618    Publish Date : 2019/07/06

TEHRAN, Jun 18 - A top EU diplomat says US President Donald Trump does not seem to be in control of his own administration’s policy towards Iran and that he needs to fire his National Security Advisor John Bolton, an outspoken hawk who directs the White House’s Iran policy .
News ID: 40842    Publish Date : 2019/06/18

TEHRAN, May 18 - Iranian officials have slammed contradictory statements emerging from the White House, as it is not clear which officials in the Trump administration are driving policy decisions.
News ID: 39465    Publish Date : 2019/05/18

TEHRAN, May 07 - The US Congress now simply rubberstamps anything that the president does because power has long since been usurped by the executive branch, a former US Senate policy adviser and diplomat says.
News ID: 38992    Publish Date : 2019/05/07

TEHRAN, Apr 13 - “Yellow vest” demonstrators clashed with riot police in the French city of Toulouse on Saturday as President Emmanuel Macron prepares a series of policy announcements aimed at quelling 22 consecutive weekends of anti-government protests.
News ID: 37824    Publish Date : 2019/04/13

TEHRAN, Mar 14 - Governor of the Central Bank of Iran highlighted a major change in the country’s export items and destinations, saying Iran is practically beating the US sanctions.
News ID: 36793    Publish Date : 2019/03/14

TEHRAN, Feb 21 - Over 50 pro-democracy organizations in the United States have slammed President Donald Trump’s belligerent Iran policy , calling on congressmen to stand against Washington’s sanctions spree and press it to return to the 2015 multinational nuclear deal.
News ID: 35734    Publish Date : 2019/02/21

TEHRAN, Feb 20 - The U.S. dollar paused on Wednesday as traders positioned ahead of the release of monetary policy minutes, while China’s yuan rose after the United States pressed Beijing to prevent a sharp weakening of its currency as part of any trade deal.
News ID: 35696    Publish Date : 2019/02/20

TEHRAN, Feb 07 -Former British prime minister John Major has lashed out at the idea of Britain leaving the European Union, saying Brexit will be a "self-harm" policy that would mostly impact the next generation of working class Britons.
News ID: 35185    Publish Date : 2019/02/08

TEHRAN, Feb 04 -Amnesty International says US President Donald Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy aimed at deterring asylum seekers at the US-Mexico border is illegal and a human rights violation.
News ID: 35038    Publish Date : 2019/02/04

TEHRAN, Jan 5 - The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman emphasized that Islamic republic of Iran's policy of deepening cooperation specially with neighboring countries is unchangeable.
News ID: 33733    Publish Date : 2019/01/05

TEHRAN, November 21 -Japan must maintain its ultra-loose monetary policy and proceed with gradual hikes in the consumption tax, including a scheduled increase next year, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said on Wednesday.
News ID: 31792    Publish Date : 2018/11/21

TEHRAN, November 10 -An academic believes fresh US sanctions on Iran are part of a wider policy to destabilize the entire Middle East.
News ID: 31329    Publish Date : 2018/11/10

TEHRAN, October 10 -Wirecard (WDIG.DE), the fintech company that last month joined Germany's DAX .GDAXI blue-chip index, said on Tuesday it expects core profits to grow sixfold by the middle of the next decade thanks to a boom in e-commerce and digital payments.
News ID: 30027    Publish Date : 2018/10/10

TEHRAN, September 26 -With the Federal Reserve widely expected to raise interest rates on Wednesday, financial markets are focused on whether signs of an acceleration in U.S. economic growth will prompt the central bank to ramp up the pace of monetary policy tightening.
News ID: 29316    Publish Date : 2018/09/26