Professor: Elections to affect sanctions by Congress

Young journalists club

News ID: 750
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:44 - 11 April 2013
Tehran, YJC. A Tehran University Professor says that the electoral atmosphere is to have influences on sanctions by the US Congress.
Davoud Hermidas Bavand, Professor of International Law and International Relations at the University of Tehran, said in an interview with a local news agency that sanctions are usually intensified following failing negotiations, stating "What is really a problem for people today is the one-sided exceeding sanctions.”

Hermidas Bavand mentioned the fact that in the wake of failure in Almaty II talks there existed possibilities of heightened sanctions and said "The fact that the Congress has brought up issues relating elections and human rights in its recent sanctions has to do with the upcoming presidential elections.”

"Whether or not the US President decides to sign and enact the sanctions depends on the atmosphere that is created for future negotiations,” he stated.

Bavand also pointed out that any decision-making on the sanctions would be relegated to the post-electoral time, stating "The electoral atmosphere and how the elections are executed will influence decisions to be made on the sanctions.”

Regarding the sanctions by the Security Council, he said "In case the demands by the Security Council are gratified, revocation of the sanctions is possible due to the very resolutions issued.”

He also added "It will take time to remove the sanctions because they concern export and purchase of oil; and currently contracts are made between costumers and Saudi Arabia. The contracts being timed renders the sanctions more convoluted.”
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